HC Deb 21 November 1917 vol 99 cc1177-8

asked what arrangements have been made for the supply of additional sugar in Scotland for the use of infants and nursing mothers; how many municipalities in Scotland have taken action in the matter; and whether the arrangements made apply only to districts where infant welfare centres have been established?


I understand that the Royal Commission on the Sugar Supply were prepared to release limited quantities of sugar to child welfare centres approved by the Local Government Board for Scotland for issue to mothers of artificially fed infants attending such centres. I am informed that three municipal authorities in Scotland applied for sugar under this scheme. Two of these withdrew their application, while in the third case the method of distribution proposed was not in conformity with the conditions laid down by the Royal Commission and was not approved by them. The Royal Commission's scheme referred to applies only to districts where child welfare centres are in operation, but it is open to local authorities to make such other arrangements as may be possible under the powers conferred by the Notification of Births (Extension) Act, 1915.

64. Mr. BYRNE

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food if he is aware that on Thursday, the 15th instant, sugar was sold by public auction in Dublin and realised 2s. 2d. per lb.; if he is aware that this system of depriving the public of their sugar supplies, if allowed to pass unpunished, is likely to encourage the auction at fancy prices of all sugar which should find its way to the homes of the working classes at prices within their reach; if he will state his Department's proposals in the matter; and if he will prevent future auctions of sugar or necessary food supplies?


I am causing inquiries to be made, and will inform my hon. Friend of the result.


May I ask the Leader of the House if, on behalf of the Government, he will express disapproval of public auctions for the sale of foodstuffs?