§ 58. Mr. DENMANasked what are the estimates, according to the most recent figures in his possession, of the yield of Excess Profits Duty for the accounting periods ending in 1914-15, 1915-16, and 1916-17, respectively; and what portions of these amounts have as yet been collected?
§ Mr. BONAR LAWStatistics are not available in the precise form set out in the question, but it may be taken that the duty for accounting periods ending during the first year of the War, and assessed at 50 per cent., amounts to £29,000,000, of which all but a negligible proportion has been collected. The duty assessed at 60 per cent. for the accounting periods ending in the following or second year of war amounts to about £125,000,000, of which over 90 per cent. has been paid. The third year, embracing accounts made up to as recent a date as 31st July, 1917, is to such a considerable extent now in course of assessment that no figures can usefully be given at this stage.