HC Deb 21 November 1917 vol 99 cc1293-5

Every existing assistant overseer, vestry clerk, or rate collector who suffers any direct pecuniary loss in consequence of this Act shall be entitled to have compensation paid to him by the council responsible for the payment of the expenses of registration, as provided in Section thirteen of this Act, and in determining such compensation (a) regard shall be had to the conditions and other circumstances required by Sub-section (1) of Section one hundred and twenty of the Local Government Act, 1888, in regard to cases of compensation under that Section, and (b) the compensation shall not exceed the limit therein mentioned, and (c) the expression in Sub-section (1) of that Section " The Acts and rules relating to Her Majesty's Civil Service" shall mean the Acts and rules relating to His Majesty's Civil Service which were in operation at the date of the passing of the Local Government Act, 1888, and (d) the provisions of Sub-sections (2) to (7) of Section one hundred and twenty of that Act shall apply with such modifications (including the substitution of the "Local Government Board " for the "Treasury") as may be required, and including in Sub-section (2) the substitution of the words " next before the thirtieth day of September, nineteen hundred and fourteen " for the words " next before the passing of this Act."


I beg to move, after the word " existing " [" existing assistant overseer "], to leave out the word " assistant."


May I ask for some explanation of this Amendment?


It is to simplify the definition, and does not alter the effect of the Bill.

Amendment agreed to.

Further Amendments made: Leave out the words, " vestry clerk or rent collector."

Leave out the words, "the expenses of registration, as provided in Section thirteen of this Act," and insert instead thereof the words, "registration expenses." —[Sir G. Cave.]


I beg to move, at the end of the Clause, to insert the words, "in this Section the expression ' overseer' includes any person executing any of the duties of overseer."

9.0 P.M.


Can the right hon. know whether, with the omission of these words, the overseer will be some public officer. By the Amendment now proposed it would appear that the appointment would be without restriction, and that apparently anybody could be appointed registration officer. At any rate, I think it should be some public officer who has already some responsibility. The Amendment might lead to considerable confusion, and it may be necessary that the matter should be considered in another place.


If the point is raised in another place it will be considered, but there is no idea of bringing in anyone as overseer, but only to deal with cases where the duties of an overseer are transferred by him to some official who is bound to perform them.

Amendment agreed to.