HC Deb 20 November 1917 vol 99 cc1001-3
37. Mr. JOWETT

asked the Secretary to the Treasury how many speakers the War Aims Committee is employing at a weekly salary or upon an engagement for longer periods; and what salaries are being paid to them?

Captain GUEST (Joint Parliamentary Secretary to the Treasury)

I would refer my hon. Friend to the statement made in the course of the Debate on Tuesday last to the effect that it is not considered advisable to give details either of expenditure or of personal employment in connection with this work. The opinion of the House was very definitely expressed in the Debate referred to.


Can the right hon. Gentleman say how many discharged soldiers have got work in speaking on war aims throughout the country?

Captain GUEST

I think my answer is quite complete.

54. Mr. KING asked

the Chancellor of the Exchequer who will be in charge of the literary work of the National War Aims Committee; whether an editor has been appointed at a salary of £1,500 or less; and whether, in accordance with the new Regulation under the Defence of the Realm Act, his name will be appended to all the articles, pamphlets, leaflets, and other published matter from his pen?

Captain GUEST

In regard to the first two points raised in the question I would refer my hon. Friend to the answer given to the hon. Member for West Bradford. The answer to the last part of the question is in the negative, though, of course, all publications will bear the imprint of the Committee.


If it is a matter of town talk that very large salaries are being given to certain necessitous persons under this scheme, will not some public reply be given for the purpose of denying or confirming it?

Captain GUEST

The opinion of the House was expressed on this matter very definitely in the Debate last Tuesday.


Is the right hon. Gentleman not aware that this new Department is considered by many people as simply a subterfuge for giving subventions and help to necessitous persons?


Can the right hon. Gentleman say whether the salaries paid by this Department will appear in due course on the Estimates so that the House can see how this public money has been expended?

Captain GUEST

They will come up on the Report.


On which Report?

Captain GUEST

On the Report stage of the Vote.