§ 16. Mr. KINGasked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he has any information concerning the position in Petrograd; whether he remained during all last week in telegraphic communication with Sir George Buchanan; and whether any diplomatic representatives retired from Petrograd last week for purposes of safety?
Mr. BALFOURThe situation in Russia is still obscure, although it appears that the extremists are now in complete control of Petrograd and Moscow. The negotiations which have been proceeding for the establishment of a Coalition Government have not as yet resulted in a settlement. 839 Telegraphic communications with His Majesty's Ambassador at Petrograd were interrupted during the earlier part of last week, but have since been resumed. Sir G. Buchanan has remained at his post.
§ 17. Mr. NOEL BUXTONasked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether information has been received from the Russian Government as to the offer of terms of settlement alleged to have been made by the Russian Government and the German Government?
§ Mr. BUXTONMay I ask whether this alleged statement of terms by the Maximalist Government, which has been much discussed in the French Press, was suppressed by the Censor, and, if so, on what ground?
Mr. BALFOURThat does not come within my Department. If the hon. Gentleman will put down a question on the subject I have no doubt that he will receive an answer.