HC Deb 19 November 1917 vol 99 c837

asked the home Secretary if a coloured man of the name of Hall, a conscientious objector, is imprisioned in Pentonville Gaol; if he has been given six weeks' punishment diet and solitary confinement without exercise; whether, in view of the character of this punishment, he will see that it is at once withdrawn; and will he at the same time have further inquiry made into the conduct of the governor of the gaol, about whose treatment of the conscientious objector prisoners complaints from all quarters are being constantly made?


This man, having persistently refused to work, was given dietary punishment for six weeks by the visiting committee of Pentonville Prison and fourteen days' confinement to his cell. I know of no reason for remitting this punishment. Except from the hon. Member himself, neither I nor the Prison Commissioners have received any complaint of the conduct of the governor of this prison towards the prisoners, and I much regret that the hon. Member should allow himself to be made the vehicle of unfounded attacks upon him.


is the right hon. Gentleman aware that every conscientious objector who comes out of Pentonville Prison makes these complaints, and that these complaints are being made by the prison visitors?


No; I have had no complaint of any kind.