HC Deb 15 November 1917 vol 99 c571
63. Mr. CURRIE

asked the Chancellor of the Exchequer whether he will take steps to appoint a Parliamentary or other Committee to examine into and report upon sundry schemes proposed for a capital levy, or conscription of wealth, in the event of the War being prolonged; and, if so, whether it will be an unconditional instruction to the Committee that money subscribed to National War Loans for the upholding of British credit and the defeating of Britain's enemies shall in no case be treated less favourably than money not so utilized?


I do not think it is necessary to appoint a Committee on this matter. It is certainly not the intention of the present Government to discriminate, nor can I conceive that any future Government would discriminate, against securities representing wealth which has been contributed to aid the country in time of need and in favour of wealth which has not been so used.