HC Deb 14 November 1917 vol 99 cc377-8

asked the President of the Board of Trade for what reason he proposes to set up a committee dealing with municipal and company tramways; if he will state how many members it consists of and what interests they represent, and what are the references to the committee; if he will state if a Mr. Devonshire has been appointed chairman of the committee and, if so, for what reason he has been so appointed; and if he will give the public record of his present and past connections with tramway undertakings in this country?


As the hon. Gentleman will have seen from announcements in the public Press the object of the committee is not to take control of tramway undertakings, but to meet the needs of these undertakings engaged in work essential to the prosecution of the War. It is proposed to have four representatives of municipal tramway undertakings and two representatives of private companies on the committee. It is proposed that Mr. Devonshire should be chairman of the committee. His knowledge and practical experience of tramway questions are, I think, well known to tramway authorities. I am confident that those who can speak for municipal and company tramways will recognise his suitability for the post which I hope he will undertake.


Can the right hon. Gentleman say whether it is not a fact that one of the large tramway companies with which Mr. Devonshire is connected is now in the hands of the Official Receiver, and whether he thinks that a gentleman with an experience like that is a suitable person to put on this committee which is going to deal with municipal undertakings?


I believe that one of these undertakings is in the hands of the Official Receiver, but I cannot see that that is any bar. I must remind the hon. Member that of the representatives on this committee municipal undertakings have four and private companies two.


Is the idea of this committee not to pool the rolling stock and tramway material, and is not the idea of this committee to help companies which are in the hands of the Official Receiver and which have not got a good rolling stock and tramway material?


The financial position of any particular tramway undertaking is not under consideration. The sole purpose of this inquiry is to secure that the tramway undertakings which it is necessary to, carry on should have the necessary material in order to keep them going. There is nothing more.