§ 56. Commander BELLAIRSasked the Prime Minister whether large sums of prize money have been owing for over three years to the sailors who have fought in this War and to the widows and families of those who have been killed; whether any member of the legal profession who has been associated with prize law cases has been kept waiting for his payment from the general fund; and whether lie will put an end to the delay by introducing the new Prize Law Bill early next Session?
§ Dr. MACNAMARAMy right hon. Friend has asked me to answer this question. My hon. and gallant Friend is aware that the decision to pool the net proceeds of prize for distribution to the Navy generally engaged in the present conflict made distribution after each capture impossible. In view of his statement that sums of money have been owing for over three years to the sailors, it is perhaps desirable that I should say that proceeds which have been accumulating, and will accumulate, will bear interest. Further, I have several times pointed out that the legal representative of any sailor who dies in the service of the State will receive whatever would have been due to him in the way of prize money. There have, of course, been members of the legal profession associated with Prize Court proceedings. I am not aware that they have been kept waiting for payment for their services. I presume that they are paid by the Treasury under the usual arrangement for law charges. But my hon. and gallant Friend will be glad to know that it is not proposed to draw upon the Prize Fund in respect of such payments. As regards the Bill, it is now in circulation to the Dominions, who, of course, have a very considerable interest in its terms. I hope that it may be possible to introduce it next Session.
§ Commander BELLAIRSWill the right hon. Gentleman use his influence to have it introduced early next Session, in view of the undoubted hardship to many poor sailors and to the wives, widows, and children of sailors in being kept waiting for their money?
§ Dr. MACNAMARACertainly; I will use all the influence that I can to get it introduced early next Session, but the 384 distribution of the money has nothing to do with the introduction of the Bill. If you are going to pool the proceeds you cannot have distribution after each capture.
§ Mr. STEWARTWill the right hon. Gentleman use his influence to see that the seamen get the prize money that they earned in the Persian Gulf before the War?
§ Dr. MACNAMARAThat is not the prize money here. It is a gratuity. It is not prize money under the Proclamation. We are constantly using all efforts to see that men so engaged get all that is due to them.