HC Deb 14 November 1917 vol 99 cc356-7
5. Commander BELLAIRS

asked the First Lord of the Admiralty, in view of the fact that the information cannot benefit the enemy, whether he will give figures which will include all British Empire mercantile vessels of over 1,600 tons and all such posted as missing and are still missing for the first six months of this year under the following heads: British mercantile tonnage of over 1,600 tons where the loss is due to enemy action, whether by raiders, mines, or submarines; loss due to other causes; and, finally, for shipping of over 1,600 tons the tonnage damaged by mines and submarines which managed to reach port and is not therefore included in the tables published of ships sunk from week to week?


My hon. and gallant Friend bases his question on an incorrect assumption; it is considered that such information can benefit the enemy. It is, therefore, not considered desirable in the public interest to give the tonnage figures asked for.

Commander BELLAIRS

May we take it that the Admiralty recognise that the First Lord's figures are necessarily incomplete unless the ships posted in Lloyd's as missing are included, and also ships damaged by mines or submarines and which have to go to shipyards for long repairs?


I should like notice of that question. Damaged ships are not included in the figures.