HC Deb 14 November 1917 vol 99 c364
7. Colonel YATE

asked the Secretary to the Admiralty whether, considering that the whole question relating to the proposed construction of a ship canal from the Clyde to the Forth is being considered by the Government, including that of the route, the attitude hitherto maintained by him, namely, that so far as the Admiralty are aware the construction of this canal is not contemplated has now been abandoned?


My hon. and gallant Friend presumably refers to an answer given by me on the 20th January, 1916, to the effect that, so far as the Admiralty were aware, the construction. of the canal was not then contemplated. As already stated on more than one occasion recently, the matter is now under the consideration of His Majesty's Government.

Colonel YATE

Am I to understand from that answer that, considering the importance of this canal to Rosyth Dockyard, that the Admiralty will now do their best to push forward the construction of this canal?


Oh, no. I cannot give any undertaking as to the construction of it. There are rival routes, as to which there has been no decision.

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