HC Deb 13 November 1917 vol 99 c222
78. Mr. LYNCH

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether, in regard to the Sinn Fein prisoners, of whom the late Thomas Ashe was one, they were, even when on the point of death, deprived of necessary clothing, although at the same time forcibly fed; whether the medical certificate ascribes this deprivation of clothing as contributory to the pneumonia from which Thomas Ashe died; whether this treatment was ordered by the prison doctor as part of the medical régime, or, if not ordered by the prison doctor, whether he made any protest on medical grounds against this treatment; and whether he can state on whom the responsibility rests of ordering that the prisoners should be deprived of clothing?


These prisoners were not deprived of necessary clothing, as suggested in the question. Their boots were removed, but they were furnished with slippers. They were not deprived of any other articles of clothing. The Acting-Governor of the Prison was the officer responsible. The answer to the second, third, and fourth parts of the question is in the negative.