HC Deb 12 November 1917 vol 99 cc29-30
54 and 56. Mr. TREVELYAN

asked the Prime Minister (1) whether he has yet ascertained that the Deputies of the French Chamber were informed, without pledge of secrecy, by M. Briand of the peace proposals made through him by the German Government; (2) whether, in view of the public announcement that the peace terms made through M. Briand by the German Government contained an offer for the complete evacuation and restoration of Belgium, he will, in view of the importance of this subject, consider the desirability of making an authentic statement in public or private Session as to what the offer really contained?


We know nothing of the alleged communication to the French Deputies. As the hon. Gentleman is aware, the fact of peace proposals is denied in Germany; and certainly we are not aware of any peace proposals having been made by the German Government to the French Government.


How is it that no definite denial has been made as to the newspaper statements which are repeatedly made here that M. Ribot had offers through M. Briand, and that these offers were transmitted to the Allied Governments — that statement has been repeatedly made in this country and in France?


What I have said is that we are not aware of any proposals having been made by the German Government to the French Government. The question as to alleged German advances through the irregular channels of French statesmen who are not members of the French Government must be dealt with in France.


If the Germans have any peace proposals do they not know the proper channels through which to send them?


The hon. Member is perfectly right. If the Germans have any peace proposals to make there is no earthly difficulty in making them.


Are the British Government made cognizant of any unofficial peace proposals?


I have said that unofficial, or alleged unofficial, representations, through the irregular channels of French statesmen, must be dealt with in France. I do not propose to answer any such question.