HC Deb 28 March 1917 vol 92 c411
71. Mr. W. THORNE

asked the President of the Board of Trade (1) whether he is aware that on Thursday, 22nd March, at the premises of the Griffin Meat Company, Smithfield, a quantity of River Plate lambs marked T, which had evidently been in store a considerable time, were offered for sale; whether he can say the date at which the same were landed in this country and the names of the firms through whose hands they have passed in the interval; whether he is aware that on the same date a quantity of River Plate Iambs of old storage were offered for sale at the premises of J. K. Buer and Company; whether he can say in this case the date of landing in this country; and (2) whether the hon. Gentleman is aware that on Thursday, 22nd March, there was on sale on the premises of Armour and Company, Limited, of Smithfield Market, and on several other premises, a quantity of frozen beef labelled National Cold Storage Company, New York, and bearing labels that the goods had been received into store on the 9th of July last; whether he can state what boat carried this beef from America, what date it was landed, and in what refrigerator it was stored in this country; whether he is aware that on the same day beef from the same company-was on sale at W. and R. Fletcher, Limited, bearing date of receipt in store of 3rd March, 1916, and will he say by what boat this was shipped and where stored in this country?


The meat referred to was not the property of the Government, and the Board of Trade have no information regarding it.