HC Deb 27 March 1917 vol 92 cc208-9

asked what action it is intended to take, and when, with reference to the increase of wages rendered necessary in Ireland by the increased cost of living; and, if any tribunal is to be set up for fixing the wages of workers, whether it will comprise a direct representative of workers?


As I stated in answer to the hon. Member for the Ossory Division of Queen's County last week, a Central Wages Board is being formed, and local wages boards or committees for the various agricultural districts will be established. There will be direct representation of the workers. The arrangements are in a forward state, and I expect them to be completed in time to admit of the fixing of minimum wages for agricultural labourers as soon as the necessary legislative sanction has been given.


Will this take into account other classes of workers, such as those who work on the railways which have been taken over by the Government? Would the right hon. Gentleman also say when the Regulations will be put in force?


The railwaymen are not comprised in a scheme which relates to the compulsory steps which are being taken with regard to tillage and the minimum wage which is to be paid to those engaged in that work. The Regulations are to be put into force immediately the necessary legislative sanction has been obtained.