HC Deb 27 March 1917 vol 92 cc190-1

asked the President of the Board of Agriculture whether he can from reports to hand say what is the increased amount of cultivated land for the present season; what amount of land has been acquired by the War Agricultural Committee for cultivation directly by them; what amount of grass land is being ploughed up; and in how-many cases have the War Agricultural Committee served notices on owners and tenants to improve the cultivation, and the area of land comprised in such notices?


The War Agricultural Executive Committees have not yet been asked to make returns of their work, as it would impede their progress at the present time when progress is so necessary, but a return will be asked for when the pressure of sowing operations is relaxed. No detailed figures are, therefore, available in answer to my hon. Friend's question. Satisfactory work is however, being done in most counties and in connection with the first part of the question I may mention that in nine counties of which we have some preliminary figures, an increase of over 87,000 acres in the amount of Cultivated land may be expected. With regard to the second part, the Board are aware of an acreage of about 5.500 acres taken over by Executive Committees; but this is quite incomplete. With regard to the last part of the question the Board know of notices being served in one county on sixteen holdings having a total acreage of about 1,000 acres, in another of notices in respect of 1,500 acres, and in a third of notices in respect of five holdings. But even complete particulars under this head would be no guide as to the result of the Executive Committees' work, since, in many cases which they have taken up, the owners and tenants have voluntarily agreed to their suggestions without it being necessary subsequently to serve any notice.