HC Deb 22 March 1917 vol 91 cc2060-1

asked the Minister of Munitions if he is aware that on 1st February last the National Union of Stove, Grate, Fender, and General Light Metal Workers, along with twenty other small unions, were granted an interview by the Under-Secretary of Munitions; that these unions asked for the privilege of being given the members' trade cards exempting them from military service; that at that meeting the Minister promised that their request? should be inquired into; that up to the present these unions have not received any satisfaction; and that, in view of the fact that many other similar unions have been given members' trade cards, he can see his way clear to grant this privilege to the National Union of Stove, Grate, Fender, and General Light Metal Workers?


The representations made by the deputation referred to by my hon. Friend were placed before the Army Council, who did not find themselves able to extend the trade card scheme to the use of unions not already parties to it. The whole question is now before the War Cabinet, and, as was stated by my right hon. Friend, in answer to the hon. Member for West Ham on 19th March, it is hoped to announce a decision shortly.


Will the decision be announced before the House rises for Easter?


I certainly hope so.