HC Deb 22 March 1917 vol 91 c2040

asked the Secretary of State for the Colonies if he is aware that there are 20,000 dependants of Canadian soldiers in this country at the present time, and that a large number of them are anxious to return to Canada, but cannot do so because they cannot get passports; and whether, in view of the limited supply of food, he will facilitate the issuing of passports to these people?

The UNDER-SECRETARY of STATE for the COLONIES (Mr. Steel-Maitland)

I understand that some of the dependants of Canadian soldiers now in this country wish to return to Canada, but have been unable to do so owing to the restrictions which in the existing maritime conditions it has been necessary to impose on the travelling of women and children. It would not be possible for me to intervene in a matter for which the responsibility must rest exclusively with the naval authorities.


May I ask whether, within the knowledge of the hon. Gentleman, any of these dependants of Canadian soldiers who have been discharged and sent back to Canada are now in severe distress in this country?


I have no-knowledge of that, but if the hon. Member will put down a question I will try to give the information.


If it is discovered that there is a large number of those soldiers dependants, will some allowance be made to them?


That is asking a question on a hypothesis. I think the best thing would be for the hon. Member to put down a question, first to ascertain the facts, and afterwards he can put any question he wishes.