HC Deb 21 March 1917 vol 91 c1900
69. Mr. FIELD

asked the Financial Secretary to the War Office why Private T. Casey, of the Seaforth Highlanders and formerly in an Irish regiment, has been refused a transfer to an Irish unit; and whether he will inquire into the case and arrange the transfer?


Casey was serving in the A.S.C., and was transferred to a Scottish regiment. On his applying for transfer to an Irish regiment inquiries were instituted, and it was discovered that Casey was fifty years of age and therefore too old for the Infantry. Instructions have been given for his retransfer to the Army Service Corps, in which he enlisted voluntarily.


Is the hon. Gentleman aware that cases are constantly arising of disobedience to the instructions of the War Office by refusal to Irish recruits of the right to go into Irish regiments? May I add that a couple of days ago I heard of an Irishman who wanted to be put into an Irish regiment being compelled to go into a Scottish regiment and wear kilts for the first time?


My hon. Friend and his colleagues know that in each case brought to the notice of the War Office where that has been clone it has been rectified.


May I hope, if I bring this case before my hon. Friend, that it will be rectified?


I can assure my hon. Friend that it will be investigated.