HC Deb 20 March 1917 vol 92 c609
25. Mr. P. MEEHAN

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland if he is aware that the Rev. S. Evans Bowen, the Manse, Crumlin, county Antrim, was prosecuted under the Vaccination Acts for not having his baby vaccinated, and fined; if he is aware that the reverend gentleman was subsequently prosecuted under the Public Health Act for the same offence and ordered to have his child vaccinated; if he is aware that he was prosecuted and fined for disobeying that order and actually conveyed to Belfast Gaol for refusing to pay the fine, which was paid by friends after his arrival at the gaol; if he is aware that the reverend gentleman has reecived a notice from the Antrim guardians that he is to be again prosecuted for the same offence; and if he can state whether it is his intention to take steps to relieve the Rev. Mr. Bowen from the persistent persecution to which he is being subjected for merely exercising a privilege at present enjoyed by English, Scottish, and Welsh parents?


This matter is being dealt with by the local authorities in the discharge of their statutory duties. So far as I know I have no dispensing power in such a case.


Can the right hon. Gentleman say why this Act of Parliament is enforced against this clergyman living in the North-East of Ulster against Ms will?


Most Acts of Parliament are enforced upon defaulters against the will of the defaulters.