§ 1. Captain BARNETTasked the President of the Board of Trade whether, in view of the fact that British pencil manufacturers are now subject to restrictions as regards the import of cedar wood, the raw material of their business, steps can be taken to place pencils of American manufacture on the prohibited list and thus increase the amount of freight room available?
The PARLIAMENTARY SECRETARY to the BOARD of TRADE (Mr. Roberts)Licences are being granted to pencil manufacturers for the importation of their requirements of cedar slats. Having regard to all the circumstances, I 1519 do not think there is at present sufficient ground for prohibiting the import of pencils.
§ Mr. DICKINSONIs the hon. Gentleman aware that there is a very great demand for cedar pencils in this country, and that the British manufacturers are now prevented from supplying that demand solely by the refusal of the Board of Trade to allow the necessary wood to be imported, and will he consider whether the limitation of the amount allowed can be amended?
§ Captain BARNETTWill the hon. Gentleman inquire whether the necessary bulk of cedar wood that is required will also receive attention?
§ 2. Captain BARNETTasked the President of the Board of Trade whether the permits issued by the Department of Import Restrictions for the importation of cedar wood and other raw material of which the import is restricted can be made to cover a period of at least three months so as to enable 'British manufacturers to avail themselves of freights when offered?
Mr. ROBERTSIn view of the arrangements contemplated by the Director of Timber Supplies for ensuring control of timber shipments, I regret that no undertaking can be given to allow quarterly licences for cedar wood. It is understood that such licences are at present granted, in the case of commodities other than timber, when good reasons are shown for such a course.
§ Captain BARNETTIs the hon. Gentleman aware that it is impossible to secure freights under those circumstances, because when the persons concerned go to the Imports Department to apply, a long delay takes place?