HC Deb 15 March 1917 vol 91 cc1260-1
162 and 134. Mr. GINNELL

asked (1) whether the arrest and deportation of Mr. J. J. O'Kelly, without charge or trial, was because he is treasurer of the National Aid and Volunteer Dependants' Fund, a member of its executive committee and of three of its sub-committees, namely, the committee that has investigated in strict confidence the circumstances of the numer- ous families that lost their breadwinners, the committee considering the position of Civil servants deprived of their livelihood for alleged complicity in the Easter rising, and the committee which deals from day to day with urgent and emergency cases; are all these purposes held to be illegal; and (2) whether the arrest and deportation of Mr. J. J. O'Kelly without charge or trial was due to his criticism in the "Catholic Bulletin" of the proposal to partition Ireland, or of the Hardinge Commission on the insurrection, or of the financial provisions in the Government of Ireland Act, or of the three Irish Members of Parliament by whose advice the late Government ruled Ireland; and are all these criticisms held to be illegal?


I must refer the hon. Member to the answer I gave to his question yesterday.


Will the right hon. Gentleman say whether these purposes are illegal?


That is a question of law on which, in my present position, I do not feel myself competent to express an authoritative opinion.


May I ask how it is that the right hon. Gentleman had this man arrested and deported, although he has not considered the matter at all?