HC Deb 08 March 1917 vol 91 c561
97. Mr. HUGH LAW

asked whether recommendations by commanding officers in respect of the grant of military medals to warrant and non-commissioned officers and men may be made on account of general good service as distinct from specific acts of gallantry; and, if so, whether such recommendations are taken fully into consideration in the award of these and other decorations?


The military medal has inscribed on it the words "For bravery in the Field," and is necessarily restricted accordingly.


Can the hon. Gentleman say whether there is any possibility of so extending the issue of these medals to cover cases of long and gallant conduct in the field, as opposed to strict acts of gallantry?


I am afraid not. I understand that the soldiers prize this medal for bravery in the field, and I do not think it can be extended to cover these cases. It would be necessary to have a new medal to cover them.


Is the hon. Gentleman not aware that there is also a great feeling amongst soldiers that those who have served for over two and a half years, as many of them have done, are still lacking reward, although they have deserved it just as much as those who have done one act of gallantry in the last few weeks?