HC Deb 08 March 1917 vol 91 cc565-6
13. Sir W. NUGENT

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland if he can state what is the cause of the delay in the division of the lands of Ballyhalten and Killeenagala, being part of the Cullen estate, near Harreleap, county Westmeath, which were purchased some years ago by the Irish Land Commission?


The Estates Commissioners made an offer to purchase the lands referred to some time ago, the purchase money to be advanced in Guaranteed 3 per cent. Stock under the Irish Land Act, 1909, but the owner did not accept it.


asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland if the Estates Commissioners have arrived at a decision with respect to the memorial of the sub-town tenants of Middletown, county Armagh, that they should be enabled to purchase their holdings under the Land Purchase Acts as other town tenants in the south and west of Ireland have been permitted to do; and if, having regard to the fact that the sub-town tenants of Middletown are anxious to bring their plots under cultivation with the object of increasing food supplies, he will endeavour to secure a settlement of this question without further delay?


The Estates Commissioners have carefully considered the representations made in the memorial referred to, but, as stated in my reply to the hon. Member on the 19th ultimo, they are unable to make advances under the Land Purchase Acts to the sub-tenants who, for the most part, are weekly and monthly tenants of houses in the town.


Have the Estates Commissioners not given the tenants an opportunity of purchasing land in similar circumstances in some of the small towns in the West of Ireland?


I am not aware that that is so. If my hon. Friend calls my attention to a particular case I will have it looked into.