HC Deb 06 March 1917 vol 91 cc211-2
61. Mr. FLAVIN

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department if in the Yorkshire West Riding and Sunderland forces a war bonus of 5s a week has been given to married men of ail ranks, with a bonus of 2s. for the first and 1s. for each additional child; and whether it is proposed to increase the war bonus to the Metropolitan Police to this amount?

The SECRETARY of STATE for the HOME DEPARTMENT (Sir George Cave)

The bonuses given to members of the county and borough police forces are at the discretion of the local police authorities, and necessarily vary with local conditions. Taking all the circumstances into consideration, I believe the conditions of the Metropolitan Police Force compare favourably with those of other forces in the country. The Metropolitan Police, in addition to an increase of pay at the beginning of the War, received an all-round war bonus of 3s. a week, and only a few months ago all sergeants and constables received a further bonus of 1s. a week for each child. The question of making an additional grant to married officers was brought before me by the Commissioner of Police a short time ago, and I am glad to say that, after considering all the circumstances, I have been able to sanction a further extension of the war bonus enjoyed by married sergeants and constables. Each married man whose wife is living and dependent upon him will receive 1s. a week, and the children's bonus will be increased by 6d. a week, making the bonus for each child 1s. 6d. This will, I hope, afford material relief to those on whom the pressure of high prices falls most heavily.


Where the war bonus of the dependent's allowance is being given, why has it not been placed on the same level as in Sunderland, or do I understand that the rent of rooms and the cost of living are less in London than in Sunderland?


No, Sir. A great deal depends upon the level from which you start.


When the right hon. Gentleman says there is a graduated scale of payment for the police, was not that graduated scale calculated on the pre-war prices and gazetted as early as July, 1914, therefore the increased cost of living and conditions were not considered?


Three successive increases have been made.


Will the right hon. Gentleman say what the three successive increases are?