HC Deb 05 March 1917 vol 91 cc13-4
40. Mr. DUFFY

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food if his attention has been called to the fact that Mr. James Holland, of Whitegate, county Galway, general grocer, has been refused a supply of sugar from the firms who usually supply him; that Mr. Holland purchased his business premises in 1915, but did not commence business until 1st October, 1916, when necessary alterations and repairs were completed; and, having regard to the sum which Mr. Holland has paid for the premises and their improvement, whether the Ministry of Food on being assured of the facts stated will permit a continuance of supplies to him?


If the hon. Member will furnish me with the names of the firms which previously supplied sugar to Mr. James Holland, and to his predecessor, inquiries will be made.


asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food, whether the supplies of sugar necessary to keep bee stocks alive over the spring are being supplied to bee keepers at a price of 11d. per lb.; whether this represents an increase of about 100 per cent. upon the retail price of sugar; whether he is aware that the price is prohibitive to many of the poorer bee-keepers and will probably result in the destruction of bee stocks; and whether he can say to whom the Department has handed over this increase of 100 per cent in price?


As I have explained in a previous answer, I am aware that the price of medicated candy, if bought in small quantities, is about twice the retail price of sugar. The price of this candy was fixed according to the estimated cost of manufacture. I have been in communication with Messrs. Pascall, and find that in the light of further experience they can now produce and sell it retail at 10d. per lb., in place of 11d. per lb., and this they are prepared to do. It is estimated that there will be no margin of profit on the transaction. In any case as previously stipulated by Messrs. Pascall, any profit which may result goes to a war charity selected by the Board of Agriculture. I cannot agree with the hon. Member in attributing any destruction of bee stocks which may be, occurring to the sale of bee candy at approximately cost price.