HC Deb 29 June 1917 vol 95 cc695-6

Where by virtue of any contract of tenancy any person is bound to do or abstain from doing or is under any liability if he does or abstains from doing any act or thing, and by virtue of any Regulation made under any enactment relating to the defence of the realm the doing of such act or thing is restricted or enjoined, he shall not during the continuance of the contract or on the determina- tion thereof be liable to pay any sum of money or incur any forefeiture or other penalty in respect of the failure to do or the doing of such act or thing if and in so far as the failure to do or the doing of such act or thing is attributable to compliance with such restriction or injunction as aforesaid.

Lords Amendments:

Leave out the words "does or" ["if he does or abstains "].—Agreed to.

After the word "doing" ["does or abstains from doing"] insert the words "or does."—Agreed to.

Leave out the words "any Regulation made under."—Agreed to.

After the word "realm" ["relating to the defence of the realm"] insert the words "or any Regulation made thereunder."—Agreed to.

After the word "is" ["doing of such act or thing is restricted"] insert the words "wholly or partially."—Agreed to.

Leave out the word "enjoined" ["is restricted or enjoined"] and insert instead thereof the word" ordered."— Agreed to.

Leave out the words "the determination" ["or on the determination thereof"], and insert instead thereof the words "or after the termination."— Agreed to.

After the word "to" ["be liable to pay"] insert the words "any mandatory Order or any injunction or interdict in respect of such act or thing or. be liable to."—Agreed to.

Leave out the word "injunction" ["restriction or injunction as aforesaid"], and insert the word "Order."— Agreed to.