HC Deb 20 June 1917 vol 94 c1796
75. Mr. BYRNE

asked the Minister of Munitions the number of Irishmen munition workers transferred within the past twelve months from Ireland to Great Britain; if he will state the number of British munition workers transferred from British munition factories to take the place of Irishmen in Ireland; if he is aware that all the best positions in the munition factories in Ireland are filled by English and Scotch officials; and if he will see that promotion will be given according to merit and not according to nationality?


As far as can be ascertained, 16,320 Irish munition workers have taken up employment through the Employment Exchanges of the Ministry of Labour in Great Britain during the twelve months ended the 11th May last, and some 111 munition workers have left Great Britain for work in Ireland. These figures may not be exhaustive, as labour may have found occupation other than through Employment Exchanges. I have no information which leads me to think that the best positions in Irish munition factories are filled by men from England and Scotland. If the hon. Member will furnish me with any cases which he thinks bear out his suggestion of improper appointments I shall be glad to make inquiries.


Does the hon. Gentleman know the names of the officials in the Dublin Munitions Factory? If the hon. Gentleman will inquire there he will see that there is ground for the complaint.


I should like the hon. Gentleman to make himself responsible for particulars.