HC Deb 20 June 1917 vol 94 c1770
30. Mr. E. HARVEY

asked the Under secretary of State for War whether, in view of the undertaking given by him that, in order to make definite the standardising of Field Punishment No. 1, conditions should be inserted in the rules of procedure under Section 44 of the Army Act, he will now formally incorporate the new instructions with the rules and lay them upon the Table of the House?


I have endeavoured to meet the various undertakings which I have given with regard to the standardisation of this method of punishment by arranging for the issue of clear instructions, which are within the powers taken under the existing rules. I shall be happy to place copies of these instructions in the Library for information of hon. Members interested in the question, but beyond this I do not think it desirable to go nor to take the action suggested by my hon. Friend.


Is the hon. Gentleman aware that on the Army Bill there was an Amendment down on that question and that the Amendment was withdrawn on the understanding that the new Regulations should be incorporated in the rule? That is an undertaking given in the House, and though the present method is—


The hon. Member is making a speech.