HC Deb 19 June 1917 vol 94 cc1587-8

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether an officer holding a junior substantive rank in the Reserve of Officers, who has for a long period held a temporary and executive rank higher than his substantive rank, having been relegated to unemployment for medical unfitness or any cause other than that of incompetence or misconduct, and having been paid the gratuity of the temporary rank in which he had been employed, is liable to be recalled to do duty again in his lower substantive rank whether he wishes it or not; if so, whether he has considered the position of an officer who, having done service in the higher rank, finds himself occupying a subordinate position and paying compliments to officers who were formerly under his command; and whether the Secretary of State will undertake that no officer who has done good service in the present War shall be recalled to duty in a position subordinate to that which he may previously have held except by his own consent, and shall be entitled to his former temporary rank at least in an honorary capacity, or be given the option of retiring without the surrender of any rights as to pay or further gratuity?


As regards the facts, I would refer my hon. Friend to the answer which I gave to the hon. Member for Grimsby on the 7th inst. I am afraid that an undertaking such as that suggested in the last part of the question cannot be given.