HC Deb 19 June 1917 vol 94 c1582
1. Mr. KING

asked the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs whether he will indicate the measures now being taken by the United States to restrict the movements and activities of Germans in America; whether all enemy aliens in America are being interned; if not, what exceptions are made; to what extent are German firms being expropriated, as in this country; and whether efforts have been or will be made to modify our policy, if necessary, so as to make it identical with that of President Wilson?


I am prepared to obtain, if the lion. Gentleman desires it, the text of any legislation passed by Congress, and of any rules or regulations published in the United States. But I do not propose, as a general rule, to give an account of the administrative action which the Government of the United States may think it desirable to adopt. No modification of the policy hitherto followed in this country in these matters is contemplated.

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