HC Deb 11 June 1917 vol 94 cc604-5
51. Mr. BYRNE

asked the Prime Minister whether he is aware that there is no representative of Ireland on the Interdepartmental Committee appointed by the Minister of Munitions by direction of the War Cabinet to prepare a scheme for an Imperial Mineral Resources Bureau for the development of the mineral resources and metal requirements of the Empire; whether he is aware of the possibilities existing in Ireland for the supply of minerals to meet demands both in wartime and in the national reconstruction which will follow upon peace; and whether he will at once take steps to appoint an Irishman on the Committee?


My right hon. Friend has asked me to reply. The Inter-departmental Committee to which my hon. Friend refers is concerned solely with the form of certain administrative machinery. It is no part of their duty to advise upon any development of Imperial mineral resources. This latter will be the function of the Bureau when set up. My right hon. Friend is already in possession of much information as to the mineral resources of Ireland and has the advantage of the services of an Irish representative on the Departmental Committee of the Ministry of Munitions under Sir Lionel Phillips which advises him as to the development of home supplies. In view of these facts he does not think any useful purpose would be served by adding an Irish representative to Sir James Stevenson's Committee.


Is it a fact that the Irish representatives were nominated at the suggestion of a committee of the Irish party some months ago and also that Sir Lionel Phillips' Committee was assisted by other men who are not members of the Committee, such as Mr. Daly?


I do not know. I know that Sir Lionel Phillips was assisted by a large number of men from different parts of the United Kingdom.


In view of the large number of these Committees, of which the House has no idea, may I ask the right hon. Gentleman whether he can issue a little pocket book telling us what are the Committees, of whom they consist, and where are their headquarters; and whether he is aware that the Government are so numerous that a large number of their members do not know one another; and would he include all members of the Government in such publication?