HC Deb 05 June 1917 vol 94 cc31-2

In pursuance of the notice I gave in the House on the 25th of May that I would, at the first meeting of the House, call your attention to the conduct of Mr. Deputy-Speaker on that occasion, I desire to do so now.


That is not the proper method of raising the question. I have no control over the action of the Deputy-Speaker. The proper course is to put a Motion down.


My statement was being made on a matter of privilege, and I ask your permission and that of the House to, if I am not allowed to deal with this particular mattter, at least to continue that statement which was then improperly interrupted. I ask it on these grounds: As you will remember, on the 17th of May, you promised, on behalf of the House, that the privilege case which I was then raising would be in no worse position and would not be ruled out of time by reason of its not having been dealt with on the 17th of May. Therefore, if you do not allow me to refer to the conduct of Mr. Deputy-Speaker on the 25th of May, I claim the fulfilment of the promise you gave me on the 17th of May, that the case I was then raising would be in no worse position and that you would not rule it out of time by reason of its not having been then dealt with.


That case was brought up again by the hon. Gentleman. I did not rule it out on the ground that it was out of time, but I ruled it out on the ground that no primâ faciecase had been made out.


After you had given the ruling you said: I think it would be desirable to take a little more time. The hon. Gentleman will be in no worse position. I will not rule that he is out of time because the Motion is not taken to-day. I will take a little more time for consideration. I shall still have to consider whether there is a primâ facie, case made out."—[OFFICIAL REPORT 17th May 1917, col. 1784, Vol. XCIII.]


I did take more time. Some days later the matter was again raised, and on that occasion I came to the conclusion that there was no prima facie case made out.


On the subsequent occasion on which the matter was raised you ruled me out on some ground or other, which is not stated in the record, and which was not stated in the House. I claim the fulfilment of your pledge made on behalf of the House.


I fulfilled my pledge. I have not ruled the hon. Member out on the ground that he was not in time. I did take time to consider the case which he raised, and after fully considering it and comparing it with the case of the other hon. Member which he raised on a former occasion, I came to the conclusion that there was no primâ facie case made out for the suggestion that there had been any breach of privilege.


You had not the whole case before you.


The Clerk will now proceed to read the Orders of the Day.