HC Deb 12 July 1917 vol 95 c2124
34. Mr. WATT

asked the Secretary for Scotland whether if a new sheriff-principal has to be appointed for Lanarkshire it will be made a condition of the appointment that he will not accept directorships, ordinary or extraordinary, in any trading or commercial concern so that the feeling among the litigants against the holding of such directorships by those administering justice may be allayed?


The answer is in the negative. If my hon. and learned Friend will refer to the 21st Section of the Sheriff Courts (Scotland) Act, 1907, he wilt find that Statutory conditions are attached. to the offices of sheriff and sheriff substitute. While sheriffs substitute are prohibited from engaging in legal, banking, or other private practice or business, no such restriction is attached to the office of sheriff-principal, the only condition specified being that he is not to advise, plead, or act as an advocate before the-King's Court at Edinburgh or at the Circuit Court in any cause, civil or criminal, arising within or coming from his sheriffdom. I do not think that any sufficient cause has been shown for making the appointment subject to conditions which go beyond the clearly considered and expressed provisions of such a recent Statute.


Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the late sheriff-principal held no directorships of any kind?


I am quite aware of that fact.


Will my right hon. Friend see that the members of the Scottish Bar appointed to these offices are not less worthy than the members of the Cabinet?