HC Deb 12 July 1917 vol 95 c2086
5. Major HUNT

asked the Under-Secretary whether he has any official information showing that Holland had exported to Germany during the first quarter of this year 5,616 metric tons of potato meal as well as quantities of potatoes, meat, fish, and dairy produce; and whether, seeing that it is the indisputable right of the Allies to prevent any neutral feeding Germany, and in view of the extent to which Holland for nearly three years has been feeding Germany, he can now assure the House that the Navy will now be allowed to stop any foodstuffs or other materials going to Holland which might subsequently be exported to Germany?


The answer to the first part of the question is in the affirmative. As regards potatoes, however, only fifteen tons were exported to Germany. According to the Dutch official statistics for the first quarter of this year the total exports of butter, cheese, fish and meat to Germany were 20,000 metric tons, whilst 13,600 tons were exported to the United Kingdom. His Majesty's Government are informed that during the same period 10,782 tons of milk were exported to the United Kingdom and 1,650 tons to Germany. As regards the last part of the question, all foodstuffs going into Holland overseas which were destined for Germany, have been stopped for a long time past.

Major HUNT

Is the right hon. Gentleman aware that the information stated in the question is given in writing by a Dutch editor who was not allowed to publish it?


How could I be aware of that fact?