§ Message to attend the Lords Commissioners.
§ Tht House went, and, having returned,
§ Mr. SPEAKER reported the Royal Assent to—
- 1. Royal Naval Volunteer Reserves Act, 1917.
- 2. Gaming Machines (Scotland) Act, 1917?.
- 3. Trade Union (Amalgamation) Act, 1917.
- 4. Courts (Emergency Powers) Act, 1917
- 5. Military Service (Conventions with Allied States) Act, 1917.
- 6. Local Government Board (Ireland) Provisional Orders Confirmation Act, 1917.
- 7. Lanarkshire County Council (Water, etc.) Order Confirmation Act, 1917.
- 8. Nottinghamshire and Derbyshire Tramways Act, 1917.
- 9. Haslemere and District Gas Act, 1917.
- 10. London Corn Exchange Act, 1917.
- 11. Lancashire Power Construction Company, Limited, Act, 1917.
- 12. Hemel Hempsted District Gas Aet,1917.
- 13. Lea Bridge District Gas Act, 1917.
- 14. Gas Light and Coke Company's Act, 1917.
- 15. Kenilworth Gas Act, 1917.
- 16. Cork Improvement Act, 1917.
- 17. British Waterworks Act, 1917.