HC Deb 10 July 1917 vol 95 cc1742-3

asked the Chief Secretary for Ireland whether several small licensed traders in Ireland are not getting nearly their one-third, while the large traders who supplied them are getting considerably more than one-third of their beer supply of 1915; and whether, as small traders can least bear the strain of restriction of their trade and are now being ruined, he will take steps to amend the law so as to give them a right-of civil action in case they do not get their rightful supply


This matter is not under my control. I have, however, made inquiries and am told complaints have reached the Board of Customs and Excise that a number of small licensed traders are unable to get what they consider is their fair proportion of the beer now being brewed, but that the Board have no knowledge as to the actual quantity of beer being received either by the large or the small traders. The complainants do not appear to have legal right to a supply, but I have brought the circumstances under the notice of some of the principal brewers.


Can the right hon. Gentleman inform us to whom should applications be made in cases of this kind, if not to himself?


The Food Controller probably has some power in the matter.


Under a Defence of the Realm Regulation could not some rule be made, the same as has been made for a standard distribution of sugar, so that people may get a fair proportion, in order to eke out an existence?


I will bring that suggestion to the notice of the Food Controller.