§ Considered in Committee.—[Progress, 2nd July.]
§ [Mr. WHITLEY in the Chair.]
- CLAUSE 17.—(Continuance and Increase of Rate of Excess Profits Duty.) 11,774 words cc937-41
- CLAUSE 18.—(Increase of Bate of Excess Mineral Rights Duty.) 1,410 words cc941-1019
- CLAUSE 19.—(Special Provisions as to Deficiencies and Losses of Shipping Concerns.) 33,444 words cc1019-21
- CLAUSE 20.—(Relief in Respect of Colonial Excess Profits Duty.) 855 words cc1021-3
- CLAUSE 21.—(Further Provisions with Respect to Munitions Exchequer Payments) 599 words cc1023-44
- CLAUSE 22.—(Amendments of Law as Respects Accounting Periods ending After December 31st, 1916.) 8,692 words c1045
- CLAUSE 24.—(Interpretation.) 123 words cc1045-7
- CLAUSE 25.—(Remission of Death Duties in Cases of Members of the Crews of Vessels Killed in War.) 982 words c1047
- PART V.—STAMPS. 32 words cc1048-56
- CLAUSE 28.—(Depreciation Fund.) 3,714 words cc1056-61
- CLAUSE 31.—(Power of Trustees, etc., to Borrow and Invest in War Securities.) 2,083 words c1062
- NEW CLAUSE.—(Application of Section 22 of the Finance Act, 1915, to Interest on Advances by Members of Stock Exchanges and Discount Houses.) 180 words cc1062-5
- NEW CLAUSE.—(Provisions Facilitating Dealings with Government Stock.) 1,074 words cc1065-6
- NEW CLAUSE.—(Relief from Income Tax in Respect of Income Accumulated Under Trusts.) 503 words cc1067-8
- NEW CLAUSE.—(Continuance of Certain Relief from Income Tax.) 346 words