HC Deb 02 July 1917 vol 95 c737
14. Mr. A. K. LOYD

asked the President of the Board of Agriculture whether information has reached him that farmers, struggling under special difficulties to maintain and increase the food and forage supply, are complaining of the injury done to growing crops of corn and hay by persons digressing from footpaths which run through or alongside of such crops; and whether, having regard to the inadequacy of the protection afforded by the ordinary law of trespass, he will consider the possibility of obtaining, under the Defence of the Realm Act or by a short Emergency Bill, some prompt and effective means of checking the mischief complained of?

The PRESIDENT of the BOARD of AGRICULTURE (Mr. Prothero)

Complaints have been received by the Board from certain districts as to the injury to growing crops occasioned by trespassers. Under the ordinary law of trespass a conviction can only be-secured if damage can he proved. The Board is considering the desirability of extending to all land producing food crops Regulation 2N under the Defence of the Realm Act, which makes it a summary offence to enter or remain on land of which a Government Department or any body or person authorised by a Government Department is in possession or to damage crops on such land.

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