HC Deb 26 February 1917 vol 90 c1689
60. Mr. CORY

asked the Minister of Pensions whether the Disablement Committee of the War Pensions, etc., Statutory Committee will authorise the Cardiff War Pensions, etc., Local Committee, in conjunction with the Cardiff Technical Education Committee, to provide teachers and otherwise organise the training for disabled soldiers at the Metropolitan War Hospital, Whitchurch, Cardiff, provided the Army Council grant facilities for the use of the admirable workshops, kitchen gardens, and farm which are available at that institution and which the War Office is unable to use for this purpose?

86. Mr. CORY

asked the Under-Secretary of State for War whether he is aware that the Metropolitan War Hospital at Whitchurch, near Cardiff, is equipped with a, model farm, large kitchen gardens, together with workshops, suitable for training disabled men for agriculture, market gardening, carpentry, bootmaking, weaving, and various engineering trades; and, if so, whether he will consent that the Cardiff technical education authority and the local pensions committee should be afforded facilities for training thereat such disabled soldiers as are detained in the hospital because they are still in need of treatment in a residential institution and such other discharged soldiers as could conveniently attend day by day for the purpose of being trained in the garden, farm, and workshops of the institution?


I am in communication with my right hon. Friend the Minister of Pensions as to how the facilities afforded by this establishment may best be utilised to the advantage of disabled men.