HC Deb 22 February 1917 vol 90 cc1434-5
5. Major NEWMAN

asked the Chief Secretary whether he is aware that, on the return from North Roscommon to Dublin of the successful candidate in a recent by-election, the procession of Irish Republicans who were escorting him was allowed to pass through Sackville Street, Westmoreland Street, and Stephen's Green, with the result that collisions between the procession and soldiers and sailors whom it met was with difficulty averted; and will he take steps in future to have processions of this kind confined to those parts of the city where the risk of such collisions would not be so likely to occur?


The information I have received as to the procession referred to by the hon. Member does not indicate that there was any interference with soldiers or sailors, and does not identify the persons who took part in the procession as Republicans. The Chief Commissioner of Police will no doubt continue to observe the care which he habitually exercises to prevent disorder in the streets of Dublin.


If I send my right hon. Friend an account of what might have been the beginning of a scuffle between a party of sailors and the procession, will he read it?


I will read any information, my hon. and gallant Friend sends me, but I have seen very detailed accounts of what took place on the night to which the question refers, and I am quite satisfied that there was nothing in the nature of organised interference with either soldiers or sailors. No soldier or sailor has complained in any way of any interference.


Would my right hon. Friend read my question? I did not mention organised interference on the part of the procession against soldiers or sailors. I asked a question about the danger of collision between soldiers and sailors and the procession, which is a very different thing.


Will the right hon. Gentleman tell the hon. and gallant Gentleman that instead of blackening the character of his countrymen he ought to be employed in some sort of clean and decent work?