HC Deb 22 February 1917 vol 90 cc1459-60
70. Mr. G. LAMBERT

asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether he will state what steps are being taken, and with what result, to reduce the price of feeding stuffs used for feeding milch cows and other cattle?


At the instance of the Food Controller, the supply of maize was taken over by the Wheat Commission, with the result that prices have been reduced from the previous level. He also met representatives of the military industry on the 7th February, with the result that the price of bran and middlings since that date has fallen by 15s. per ton. The restriction of the use of barley for malting purposes may reasonably be expected to cause a further reduction. This work is about to be handed over to the Ministry of Munitions, and that Department is setting up a Committee which will contain representatives of the three Departments of Agriculture.


My hon. Friend has not referred to feeding cakes, which have risen in price very considerably. Has any action been taken?


A considerable amount of action has been taken, but as it affects very largely the question of explosives, which is being dealt with by the Ministry of Munitions—it covers the case of glycerine, for instance—it is thought desirable that the Ministry of Munitions should deal with the matter, which it is about to do without delay.


Will the Ministry of Munitions fix the price of feeding cakes?


They will, I understand, fix the prices of the products and by-products of the seeds and nuts to which the hon. Gentleman refers, on the advice of a Committee largely composed of the representatives of the three Departments of Agriculture.