§ 42. Mr. HOGGEasked the Comptroller of the Household, as representing the National Health Insurance Commissioners, how many discharged soldiers suffering from tuberculosis have been found beds in England, Scotland, Wales, and Ireland, by the various Commissions?
§ Sir E. CORNWALLUnder special arrangements made by the various Insurance Commissions with the Admiralty and the War Office, beds have been provided for nearly 5,000 discharged sailors and soldiers suffering from tuberculosis. Insurance committees have, in addition, provided beds under the ordinary arrangements for a considerable number of discharged men, but I have no information as to the exact number.
§ Mr. HOGGECan my hon. Friend say how many of these 5,000 discharged soldiers suffering from tuberculosis have any pension?
§ Sir E. CORNWALLNo, Sir, I have no information on that at the moment.
§ Mr. BOOTHIs the hon. Gentleman not aware that the committees have not sufficient funds in hand to deal with the civilian population; and is lie aware that this admission of soldiers is increasing the waiting list of civilians?
§ Sir E. CORNWALLYes, my hon. Friend is quite right.