HC Deb 19 February 1917 vol 90 cc956-7
25. Captain DONELAN

asked the Vice-President of the Department of Agriculture (Ireland) whether he can state the quantity of potatoes shipped from Ireland under licence from the date of the Order to the end of January, 1917; and if he can give the names of the persons or firms to whom licences have been granted; the conditions attached to the licence; the quantity of potatoes shipped by each person or firm; and the names of the ports from which they were shipped?

26. Mr. WHITTY

asked whether licences are being granted for the export of potatoes out of Ireland; and, if so, from what ports?


The quantities of potatoes exported from Ireland under the Potatoes (Ireland) Order, 1916, which came into operation on 21st December, 1916, up to 31st January last, was 5,500 tons, exclusive of (1) exports for military purposes, and (2) exports in small quantities by and to private persons. A statement giving the ports from which the potatoes were shipped, and the names of the traders who were granted export licences, will be supplied to the hon. Members. No conditions were attached to any of these licences, save in regard to the quantity authorised in each case.


Does that include the potatoes supplied to the Army?


I stated that it excludes all exports for military purposes and exports in small quantities for private parties.


In view of the danger of shortage of potatoes in Ireland before the next crop is fit for food, will steps be taken to cancel the issue of any further licences and to keep what potatoes remain in Ireland in that country for home consumption?


I can assure the hon Member that the utmost possible attention is being paid to this question from day to day.

35. Mr. G. LAMBERT

asked the Parlialiamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether the Order promised by him fixing definitely the price of seed potatoes to the consumer has yet been issued; and what are its terms?


The Order fixing the maximum price of seed potatoes to the consumer has not yet been issued, but the matter is receiving the immediate attention of the Departments concerned in view of the alteration made by the War Cabinet on Saturday in the terms of the Order affecting table potatoes. A conference between the representatives of the three Agricultural Departments will be held to-morrow to discuss the final form of the Order.


asked the Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Food whether his attention has been directed to the enhanced charges being made in some instances by farmers for the cartage of potatoes sold by them, in order to circumvent the maximum price for the sale of potatoes; and whether he proposes to take any steps to deal with the matter in the interests of the consumer?


The action taken by the War Cabinet on Saturday last will, it is believed, prevent the recurrence of attempts such as those referred to in the question.