HC Deb 19 February 1917 vol 90 c963
29. Colonel YATE

asked the Secretary of State for the Home Department whether, considering the increase in juvenile crime, and that there is now said to be no place of detention to which young criminals can be sent owing to all such places being full, he will take into consideration the opinions expressed by county magistrates and the chairmen of county education committees regarding the necessity for the application of the birch rod and issue instructions accordingly?

The SECRETARY of STATE for the HOME DEPARTMENT (Sir George Cave)

Arrangements have of late been made for considerable additions to the number of children and young persons who can be received in reformatory and industrial schools, and there are now vacancies in many schools. If magistrates or local authorities find any difficulty in providing for the reception of a case they should apply to the Chief Inspector at the Home Office, who will be able in most cases to give particulars of schools with vacancies. I do not think it necessary to introduce legislation to amend the law as to corporal punishment or to issue any recommendations on the subject.