HC Deb 19 February 1917 vol 90 c1015

Will the right hon. Gentleman say what Orders will be taken to-day and to-morrow, and can we now be told on what day we shall have the statement by the Prime Minister as to restrictions of imports?


The Government have decided on very drastic restrictions of imports. In order to protect both our Allies and the Dominions, it has been necessary to consult them, and we had hoped that communications would have been finished in time for the Prime Minister to make his statement to-day, but we have had delay. The statement will, however, be made on Thursday.

To-day we propose to take the remaining Supplementary Estimates, and we hope the Grand Juries Bill and the Second Reading of the Criminal Law Amendment Bill.

To-morrow we will take the Third Reading of the Consolidated Fund Bill, and we hope that the House will also allow the Second Reading of the Bill setting up National Service.


The right hon. Gentleman is aware that the Criminal Law Amendment Bill is a larger measure. It was only circulated this morning. There is a very great deal of interest in it, and it also raises such subjects that if there was some private conversation about them at first it would facilitate matters. May I appeal to the right hon. Gentleman not to take the Second Reading to-day?


I quite recognise what the hon. Member has said, but for the reasons which I have stated I hope the House, as a whole, will be ready to consider the Second Reading; but should there be any objection to this, I shall not press it.