HC Deb 15 February 1917 vol 90 cc791-2
36. Mr. LYNCH

asked the Chief Secretary whether, in view of the fact that if proper facilities and safeguards were given to the fishermen of Quilty and Seafield, West Clare, an increase in the supply of fish available for food could be guaranteed, he will cause works to be undertaken, as, for instance, at Seafield pier, which will help to give these fishermen the needful protection?


A pier was constructed at considerable expense at Seafield some years ago for the accommodation of the boats of the Quilty and Seafield fishermen. Representations have been made that a passage should be cut in the rock outside the pier in order to improve the approach from the sea, but I am advised that the proposed work would involve very heavy expenditure, and would probably not be effective.


May I ask if, without any reflection on the skill of the engineer who gave that advice, he will consent to have another opinion from a civil engineer?


If an opinion is tendered to me I will take care that it is carefully examined, but I am afraid I cannot put public funds to the charge of an additional opinion when there are no grounds for doing so, as I am advised. I will take any opinion presented into account.


Will the right hon. Gentleman take account of my opinion?


As the hon. Gentleman has challenged me in that direct way, I can only say that the competent authority, the Board of Works, promised me that if the hon. Member, who has professional qualifications, prepared a plan for this matter they would consider it carefully.


Would the right hon. Gentleman take into consideration that my time is occupied in very valuable work?