§ 78. Mr. ANDERSONasked the hon. Member for Wilton whether his attention has been called to the announcement of the Duke of Richmond giving permission to farmers to kill pheasants found in their hedges; whether he is aware that this concession is rendered nugatory by the law of close time; and whether he will take steps to impress upon the Government the necessity in the public interest for the dilution of the Game Laws during the period of the War, and for the suspension or abolition of all customs and practices that tend to restrict the fullest output in the supplies of food?
Captain BATHURSTI must refer my hon. Friend to the answer given on 13th February to the right hon. Member for the South Molton Division.
§ Sir J. D. REESIs it or is it not proposed to extend the date of the game-shooting licences?
Captain BATHURSTCertainly. It is intended to permit that those who have licences expiring at the end of the shooting season shall continue to derive the benefit of such licences.
Captain BATHURSTNo. The Order has not yet been made, owing to the fact that, unfortunately, the Food Controller is ill and unable to attend to business.
§ Sir C. HOBHOUSECan the hon. Gentleman say whether he has taken any legal advice as to the validity of the Order which the Food Controller proposes to issue, because I understand that in as 787 similar case which the Attorney-General took to the House of Lords he was overruled?
Captain BATHURSTIn consequence of the representations made by the right hon. Baronet the other day, legal advice is being sought in the matter.
§ Sir C. HENRYWill this Order apply to owners of land as well as occupiers?
Captain BATHURSTYes. As I pointed out, and for some reason or other it was not reported, it is a concurrent right enjoyed both by the owner, the occupier, or the lessee.
§ Sir C. HOBHOUSECan the hon. Gentleman say whether the advice of the legal adviser has been obtained yet, or is he merely seeking it as to the validity of the Order?
Captain BATHURSTAs I explained the other day, the advice of the legal adviser of the Department was obtained, and it is sought to strengthen that advice by appeal to further legal authority.
§ Mr. G. LAMBERTCan the hon. Gentleman say when he expects the Order to be issued?
§ Sir J. D. REESWill the police at once be instructed?
§ Mr. PRINGLEIf the legal advice should be that the Order is ultra vires, will the Government take steps by legislation to deal with the matter?
Captain BATHURSTI am not in a position to answer for the War Cabinet, but I have no doubt that the proper steps will be taken. In the case of all these Orders, of course the police take the necessary action.