§ 33. Major NEWMANasked the President of the Board of Agriculture whether he is aware that local authorities in urban districts have arranged to supply manures, seeds, and seed potatoes to allotment holders in their districts; is he aware that in many cases these authorities are being pressed as to when these requisites, and especially the seed potatoes, will be available, and what their quality will be; and where inquiries on the subject have been addressed to his Board will he cause a definite reply to be given at the earliest possible moment?
§ The PARLIAMENTARY SECRETARY to the BOARD Of AGRICULTURE (Sir Richard Winfrey)Full instructions were issued to war agricultural committees on 417 the 27th of last month as to the arrangements made by the Board for the supply of seed potatoes for small growers. These arrangements should ensure the delivery of good sound seed to any local authorities who have sent in particulars of their requirements, but owing to the short supply it will not be possible to guarantee the supply of any special variety. The Board have not undertaken to supply seeds of other kinds or manures to local authorities, but the Food Controller and the Board are taking all possible steps to secure that sufficient supplies are available.