HC Deb 13 February 1917 vol 90 c443
50. Mr. WING

asked the Chancellor "of the Exchequer if he will give immediately to the Members of the House of Commons an opportunity of expressing its will in the Division Lobby as to suspending the sale of intoxicating liquors at the bars of this House, seeing that he suggested on 20th April, 1915, that a Motion to impose upon Members in this House precisely the same restrictions which are imposed upon others would have his support; and that the Chairman of the Kitchen Committee on 15th December, 1916, expressed the wish for instructions from this House?


From inquiries which I have made I gather that there is a desire on the part of a considerable number of Members that the House should have an opportunity of deciding whether or not restrictions similar to those in force outside should also be imposed in this House, and if a Motion is put upon the Order Paper an opportunity will be given for its discussion.


In view of the intention of the Government to suspend the Eleven o'clock Rule, can an order be made of such a nature as to give facilities for refreshments when the sittings are very prolonged?